Effortless Reports and SEDAC
Connecticut State-required compliance, management and custom reports at your fingertips
Another invaluable benefit of IEP Direct-Connecticut is the way it helps you minimize the time and effort spent preparing and distributing the reports and data extracts required of Connecticut Special Education professionals.
Here are some of the features IEP Direct-Connecticut puts at your disposal to make reporting quick and easy:
- Intuitive Report Wizard guides you step by step, helping you generate all State-mandated and other reports and data extracts with just a few clicks of the mouse. That includes SEDAC, SEDAC-G, CAPT – CMT Data, Evaluation Timeline Data, PJ reports, federally mandated reports, program management reports and Special Education compliance-process-tracking reports.
- Easy-to-use report generator includes a comprehensive set of ready-to-use reports – or users can compose ad hoc reports and queries in no time at all. Your district can also save these ad hoc reports for use by the district as part of its standard reporting package.
- Ready-Made Reports and Listings – the Listings Generator also includes a library of standard reports and listings to help improve compliance, increase efficiency, support best-practices and enable data-driven management and accountability.
- NO additional report-writer programs to install learn or support. The user-friendly interface requires NO software utilities and NO knowledge of complex programming languages.
- Electronic submission of CSDE reports. IEP Direct has been approved for electronic data transfer of state compliance reports, enabling users to automate the reporting process further while improving accuracy.
Here's a sample of reports and extracts IEP Direct-Connecticut can help you validate, generate, edit, export, submit and distribute:
- SEDAC and SEDAC-G reports
- TWNDP (time with non-disabled peers) reports
- CAPT and CMT reports
- Evaluation timeline reports
- PJ reports
- Office of Civil Rights reports
- Data validation and statistical analysis reports
- Compliance tracking and accountability reports
- Student progress reports
- Board of Education reports
- PPT meeting summaries and recommendations
- PPT reports, profiles and registers
- Numerous tracking and accountability system reports
- Unlimited custom listings, sorting and queries on every field in the database